Перелік відділень, що входять до мережі Power Bank

Deposit "Deposit Line"

This deposit option allows for withdrawals up to a non-reducible balance


Non-Reducible Balance Amount
UAH 1,000

Partial withdrawals are possible after the term of an additional agreement, up to the non-reducible balance amount
Deposit Term
up to 2 months (3 – 60 days)
3 months (92 days)
6 months (184 days)
9–12 months (276-365 days)
Deposit Replenishment
Deposits with a term of more than 93 days offer the option for multiple replenishments. Replenishments are made by signing an additional agreement (a separate application for each tranche) under the terms of the master agreement. The master agreement is signed for a 12-month period based on the non-reducible balance amount.
Interest Payment
Interest can be paid monthly or at the end of the deposit term, as chosen by the client. If interest is paid monthly, the interest rate decreases by 0.5% per annum.

Deposit without the Right to Early Termination
Individual approach

Manager of RADABANK will hold a presentation of all banking services you might be interested in at a convenient time and in a convenient format.

The interest rate depends on the deposit term

The depositor sets the term of the deposit.

Required Documents:
  • An individual opening a deposit account on behalf of a business entity must provide a passport or another form of identification.
  • Representatives of legal entities are also required to present documents that verify their authority.
  • Resident individuals must additionally provide a document issued by the state tax authority, confirming their registration in the State Register of Individual Taxpayers.
Minimum Deposit / Additional Contribution Amount Deposit Currency Annual Interest Rate (basic), %
3 days 4-7 days 8-14 days 15-21 days 22-31 days 32-60 days
1000 / 10 000 UAH 11,00% 11,50% 12,00% 12,25% 12,50% 12,75%


Minimum Deposit / Additional Contribution Amount Deposit Currency Annual Interest Rate (basic), %
3 months
(92 days)
6 months
(184 days)
9 – 12 months
(276 – 365 days)
1000 / 10 000 UAH 12,00% 13,00% 13,25%
5 000 000 / 10 000 UAH 12,50% 13,50% 13,75%
Minimum Deposit / Additional Contribution Amount Deposit Currency Annual Interest Rate (basic), %
3 months
(92 days)
6 months
(184 days)
9 – 12 months
(276 – 365 days)
1 000 / 10 000 UAH 11,50% 12,50% 12,75%
5 000 000 / 10 000 UAH 12,00% 13,00% 13,25%
Pay attention to the following products

0 800 500 999

Free of charge from all numbers of Ukraine

Working hours of the contact center: from 08:00 to 20:00

according to the operator's tariffs

095 0500 999 095 0500 999 098 0500 999

Contact us by e-mail:


Імʼя та призвіще**
Номер телефону*
Електронна адреса (Email)*

Натискаючи кнопку "Відправити запит", я надаю згоду на обробку персональних даних

Купівля Продаж
41.3 42
43.3 44
10.35 10.55

* Курси валют Головного Банку (Дніпро, вул. В. Мономаха, 5). Курси у відділеннях можуть відрізнятися. Уточнюйте курс валют у Вашому відділені за номером 0 800 500 999.