Перелік відділень, що входять до мережі Power Bank


A savings current account that is opened alongside the main account for saving money and earning additional income through interest.


What is RADAbox?
Interest Rate: 8% annually on the balance of personal funds in UAH
Currency Options: Choose from hryvnia, US dollar, or euro
Maximum Balance: Unlimited
Withdrawals: Partial or full withdrawal of funds from the RADAbox account can be made at any time
Гарантія збереження вкладів

РАДАБАНК — учасник «Фонду гарантування вкладів фізичних осіб» з 1999 року. ФГВФО відшкодовує Клієнтам проблемних Банків 100% за вкладами, включаючи відсотки.

Дiзнатися бiльше

How to Open a RADAbox Account?

You can easily open a RADAbox account linked to your primary card or current account through the RB24 mobile app

How to Replenish a RADAbox Account?
Replenish your RADAbox account from any of your accounts using the RB24 app.
Replenishment via RB24
You can transfer funds from any of your accounts. The minimum deposit amount is 50 UAH / 5 USD / 5 EUR. Replenishment using credit funds is possible, subject to a fee for increasing the overdraft debt.
Weekly Rounding of the Main Account Balance
In RB24, select a rounding parameter: for hryvnia accounts - 100 and 1000, for US dollar and euro accounts - 10 and 100. Every Monday morning, the balance of the main account will be rounded to the chosen parameter, and the remainder will be transferred to RADAbox. This cannot be executed using credit funds.
Automatic Transfer of a Percentage from Any Replenishment to the Main Account
In RB24, choose the percentage of deposits to be transferred to the RADAbox savings account. You can set it from 1% to 100%. This cannot be done using credit funds.
Regular Payments
Set up periodic payments from your current or card account to specified details in a set amount through RB24.
How to Withdraw Funds from a RADAbox Account?

You can independently transfer funds from RADAbox to your main account, either partially or in full, at any time. Transfers to other accounts are not possible.

Pay attention to the following products

0 800 500 999

Free of charge from all numbers of Ukraine

Working hours of the contact center: from 08:00 to 20:00

according to the operator's tariffs

095 0500 999 095 0500 999 098 0500 999

Contact us by e-mail:


Імʼя та призвіще**
Номер телефону*
Електронна адреса (Email)*

Натискаючи кнопку "Відправити запит", я надаю згоду на обробку персональних даних

Купівля Продаж
41.15 41.75
44.55 45.15
10.55 10.75

* Курси валют Головного Банку (Дніпро, вул. В. Мономаха, 5). Курси у відділеннях можуть відрізнятися. Уточнюйте курс валют у Вашому відділені за номером 0 800 500 999.