Перелік відділень, що входять до мережі Power Bank


Our leadership is consistently dedicated to achieving high service standards and offering intelligent banking solutions to provide our clients with the best conditions.

Contact Us

Chair of the Supervisory Board
Chair of the Board
Deputy Chair of the Board
Deputy Chair of the Board
Deputy Chair of the Board
Andrii AKHE
Chief Accountant
Head of the Department for International Markets and Cash Circulation
Schedule for Personal Reception of Citizens
Chair of the Board

The second Monday of each month from 11:00 to 12:40

General inquiries and issues beyond the scope of the Deputy Chairs of the Board

Deputy Chair of the Board

The second Tuesday of each month from 11:00 to 12:40

Inquiries related to corporate business operations


Deputy Chair of the Board

The second Monday of each month from 15:00 to 16:40

Inquiries related to retail business operations

Inquiries related to the trading network's operations

For citizens applying for a personal meeting with the management and officials of RADABANK:

  1. Registration for a personal meeting with the management and officials of  RADABANK is available through the following numbers:
    • Contact Center: 0 800 500 999 (available 24/7, free from all Ukrainian numbers)
    • +380 (562) 38 30 30 (standard rates apply)
  2. Personal meetings with citizens are conducted at:
    • Dnipro, 5 Volodymyr Monomakh Street
  3. To enter the premises where personal meetings are held, you must present a valid ID.
  4. For the sake of transparency and accuracy, personal meetings at RADABANK may be video and audio recorded.
  5. The scheduled time for a personal meeting, as per the timetable, may be adjusted due to unforeseen circumstances. RADABANK will inform citizens registered for a meeting about any changes.
  6. Approximately 20 minutes are allocated for each individual's appointment. Please be concise and attentive to the official's explanations during the meeting.
  7. In addressing issues, the management and officials of RADABANK adhere to Ukrainian law and the regulatory acts of the National Bank of Ukraine.
  8. Respond directly and accurately to the official’s questions during the meeting to allow for a comprehensive understanding and optimal resolution of the issue.
  9. Should you disagree with the outcome of your issue discussed during the meeting, you have the right to inquire about the appeal process from the official conducting the meeting.
  10. For complex issues requiring extensive document and fact review, prepare a written request. Include your full name, address, and a detailed description of your concern, along with any suggestions, complaints, or demands. The request must be signed and dated by the applicant(s).
  11. If the issue cannot be resolved immediately during the meeting, it will be processed in the same manner as a written request.

0 800 500 999

Free of charge from all numbers of Ukraine

Working hours of the contact center: from 08:00 to 20:00

according to the operator's tariffs

095 0500 999 095 0500 999 098 0500 999

Contact us by e-mail:


Імʼя та призвіще**
Номер телефону*
Електронна адреса (Email)*

Натискаючи кнопку "Відправити запит", я надаю згоду на обробку персональних даних

Купівля Продаж
41.3 42
43.3 44
10.35 10.55

* Курси валют Головного Банку (Дніпро, вул. В. Мономаха, 5). Курси у відділеннях можуть відрізнятися. Уточнюйте курс валют у Вашому відділені за номером 0 800 500 999.