Перелік відділень, що входять до мережі Power Bank

Bank Rating

Information on the credit and deposit ratings of RADABANK

Credit Rating

On October 31, 2023, the Rating Committee of the National Rating Agency "Rurik" confirmed the Bank's long-term credit rating at the uaAAA investment grade with an "evolving" outlook.

Deposit Rating

On October 31, 2023, the Rating Committee of the National Rating Agency "Rurik" assigned the Bank's deposit reliability rating at an r5- level.

Deposit Rating

On September 26, 2022, the "Standard-Rating" Agency (Ukraine) concluded its thirty-seventh assessment of the "Rating of Bank Deposit Reliability (Attractiveness)" and rated the reliability of deposits at RADABANK as rd.1 (pi) – high.

Купівля Продаж
41.15 41.75
44.55 45.15
10.55 10.75

* Курси валют Головного Банку (Дніпро, вул. В. Мономаха, 5). Курси у відділеннях можуть відрізнятися. Уточнюйте курс валют у Вашому відділені за номером 0 800 500 999.