Перелік відділень, що входять до мережі Power Bank

Deposits for VIP Clients

Offering convenient terms and maximum returns.


Interest Rates and Deposit Terms

RADABANK invites you to deposit funds into an account to earn maximum returns. Our specially designed deposit schemes allow you to freely choose your deposit term and interest payment method: either monthly or at the end of the term.

Benefits of Our Deposits:

  • Exceptional profitability;
  • Flexibility in choosing the interest payment schedule;
  • Competitive market interest rates;
  • Exclusive loyalty programs for our depositors;
  • Option to secure a loan against your deposit.
Deposit "Currency Hryvnia"
Exchange non-cash currency without a conversion fee and invest it in a deposit.
Deposit Currency Minimum Deposit Amount Annual Interest Rate, %
for 93-98 days (3 months)
USD 100 0,10
EUR 100 0,10
Deposit "Prestige"
Interest paid at the end of the term.

Мinimum Deposit Amount

Deposit Currency

Annual Interest Rate (base), %

1 mon.


3 mon.


6 mon.


12 mon.


15 mon.


24 mon. 


₴ 10 000






$ 500







€ 500






Deposit "Elite"
Interest paid monthly.

Minimum Deposit Amount

Deposit Currency

Annual Interest Rate (basic), %

1 mon.


3 mon.


6 mon.


12 mon.


24 mon.


₴ 10 000






$ 500






€ 500






Deposit "Capital"
Interest is capitalized with payment at the end of the term.
Minimum Deposit Amount Deposit Currency Annual Interest Rate (basic), %

92-183 days

(3-6 months)

184-365 days

(6-12 months)

₴ 1 000 UAH 13,75 14,50
$ 50 USD 2,25 2,50
€ 50 EUR 1,30 1,40
Deposit "Radagold"
Interest paid at the end of the term.
Minimum Deposit Amount Bank metal Annual Interest Rate (basic), %

3 mon.


6 mon.


12 mon.


18 mon.


24 mon.


50 gram
Gold (XAU) 0,30 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50
Information and Warnings
Potential Consequences for Clients Utilizing Banking Services or Failing to Meet Contractual Obligations
  • For services related to bank deposits, it is important to note that when the bank calculates interest income, such income is taxable. The net income from the deposit operation, after the deduction of applicable taxes and fees as per the Tax Code of Ukraine, is what the client will receive.
Potential Consequences for Clients Failing to Timely Request the Return of Deposited Funds

Should a client not timely request the return of funds deposited under a bank deposit agreement, the following may occur:

  • The deposit term may automatically extend for an identical period, provided this is stipulated in the deposit agreement/terms and conditions;
  • There is no limit to the number of times a deposit term can be extended unless the deposit agreement/terms and conditions specify otherwise

For certain types of deposits, the terms and conditions inherently include an automatic extension (prolongation) of the Bank Deposit Agreement. Details regarding the prolongation of the deposit are outlined in the Application for joining the "Comprehensive Banking Services Agreement for Individuals.

The bank is prohibited from requiring clients to purchase any goods or services from the bank or any related or affiliated entities as a mandatory condition for providing these services (except for the provision of a banking service package).

  • The bank is not allowed to unilaterally change the contracts made with clients unless the contract or law specifically allows it.

Clients have the option to opt-out of receiving promotional materials through remote communication channels by:

  • Submitting a written request (Appendix No. 14 to the Comprehensive Banking Service Agreement for Individuals) to a bank branch;
  • Contacting the Bank's Contact Center, with the client's identity being duly verified.

Resumption of receiving promotional materials can be initiated by the client's request to the Bank's Contact Center.

Clients have the right to cancel the contract in accordance with the law and/or the terms of the contract agreed upon between the bank and the client/deposit terms.

The estimation of anticipated income and expenses (including taxes and fees) associated with placing a term deposit is determined at the contract's inception and is provided upon the depositor's request, in line with the  instructions for the Deposit Guarantee Fund's procedure for protecting depositors' rights and interests protected by law.

General Information
Required Documents

Deposits can be made by both residents and non-residents of Ukraine.

Необхідні документи:

For Non-Residents::

  • A passport (or another document that verifies identity and is recognized by Ukrainian law for conducting transactions within Ukraine).
  • Proof of residence or temporary stay in Ukraine.
  • Documentation verifying the source of the funds.
Deposit Replenishment

You can replenish your deposit in any manner that suits you:

  • Through the RB24 mobile app.
  • Via regular payments from cards/accounts held at RADABANK.
  • At any RADABANK branch throughout Ukraine.

Please be aware that when placing deposits with banks that accrue interest, the deposit income will be subject to taxation. The bank will withhold taxes on each interest accrual in accordance with the Tax Code, with the funds subsequently remitted to the budget.

Clients are offered the option of automatic prolongation of their agreement upon request.

Deposit Prolongation (Autolongation) refers to the automatic extension of the term of a bank deposit agreement upon its expiry. This feature is available by default for certain types of deposits, according to the deposit terms. The deposit amount is subject to prolongation, and the accrued interest is credited to the account specified by the depositor. The new deposit term commences the day after the previous term ends, at the interest rate applicable for that type of deposit at the bank on the start date of the new deposit term.

Conditions for Prolongation:

Prolongation is available if, on the deposit's maturity date, the specific type of deposit and the option for automatic extension are included in the bank's terms and conditions for deposit placement.
If the specific type of deposit does not exist at the bank on the renewal date, the bank will inform the client in writing or via SMS, using the contact details provided in the bank's client database, no later than two calendar days before the deposit term expires. The funds from the deposit account and the account for accrued interest will be transferred to the account designated in the application for joining the "Comprehensive Banking Services Agreement for Individuals" as the deposit return account.

The Client has the right to opt out of the deposit's autolongation at any point during the agreement's term by:

  • Submitting a written request to a Bank branch for non-prolongation of the deposit;
  • Contacting the Bank's Contact Center;
  • Disabling autolongation in the RB24 app.

The extension of the deposit term to a new period occurs without the depositor's presence and without the need to sign any new agreements, applications, or additional agreements.

The Client may request to reactivate previously disabled autolongation of the deposit no later than the day before the deposit's scheduled return by:

  • Submitting a written request at a Bank branch to enable autolongation of the deposit;
  • Contacting the Bank's Contact Center
  • Enabling autolongation in the RB24 app

On the final day of the bank deposit agreement's term, the Client's decision to opt out of prolongation is accepted during the Bank's operating hours, and the payment of the deposit amount and interest is processed on the following operating (business) day. Reactivation of prolongation is also possible during the Bank's operating hours on the penultimate business day of the deposit agreement's term.

In the event of early termination of the agreement, the Client must inform the Bank in writing. The date of submission of the application for early termination is considered the termination date of the agreement. Upon early termination of the deposit agreement, interest is recalculated for the actual duration of the deposit at an annual rate of 0.1% in UAH, 0.01% in USD, EUR, and gold.

Guarantee of Preservation

RADABANK is a participant in the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Ukraine (Certificate No. 110 dated September 2, 1999, Registration No. 119 in the Fund's Register of Banks).

During martial law in Ukraine and for three months following its termination or cancellation, the Fund compensates each bank depositor the full amount of their deposit, including accrued interest up to the day before the procedure for the bank's market withdrawal begins, except in cases specified by Part Four of Article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "On the System of Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals."
After three months from the end of martial law in Ukraine, the maximum compensation amount for deposits cannot be less than 600,000 UAH and may be increased by a decision of the Fund's Administrative Board.
  • A deposit in precious metals with interest paid at the term's end.
  • Accepted in bank metals (gold 999.9 from recognized manufacturers) in bars weighing from 1 to 100 grams, purchased at RADABANK's cashier, without withdrawal from the Bank's cash desk.
  • Minimum deposit amount: 50 grams. Maximum amount: unlimited
  • Deposit term: 6, 12, 18, 24 months
  • Minimum deposit replenishment amount: 5 grams.*
    *Replenishment of the deposit amount is possible throughout the entire term of the agreement
  • Accrued interest is paid at the term's end in the national currency at the NBU rate on the transaction date, by transferring to a current/card account in national currency opened at RADABANK and specified by the depositor in the Application for joining the deposit opening.
  • The deposit does not allow for early termination of the agreement or partial withdrawal.
Мобільний застосунок RB24

Оформлюйте картки онлайн, сплачуйте вчасно з регулярними платежами, відкривайте депозити з бонусами до ставки, здійснюйте платежі на ходу, керуйте своїми фінансами просто та надійно з RB24.
Завантажуйте застосунок. Ідентифікуйтесь віддалено. Користуйтеся та оцінюйте!

Pay attention to the following products

Консультацiя VIP-Менеджера

Якщо Вас цікавлять будь-які питання, пов'язані з VIP-банкінгом, залиште, будь ласка, Ваші контактні дані, та персональний банкір зв'яжеться з Вами найближчим часом.

Оберіть місто для звʼязку з VIP менеджером:

First name, Second name*
Phone number*
What are you interested in?

Натискаючи кнопку "Відправити запит", я надаю згоду на обробку персональних даних

Купівля Продаж
41.3 42
43.3 44
10.35 10.55

* Курси валют Головного Банку (Дніпро, вул. В. Мономаха, 5). Курси у відділеннях можуть відрізнятися. Уточнюйте курс валют у Вашому відділені за номером 0 800 500 999.