Why Opt for a Bank Safe Deposit Box?
Equipped with the latest alarm and protection systems.

No deposit required for the key. Extend your rental term via the RB24 mobile app.

Powers of attorney can be executed without a notary or the presence of the trusted individual

Select a safe deposit box that meets your specific needs.

Safe deposit boxes are secure containers of various sizes located within an armored cabinet in the bank's specially protected depository. The depository is equipped with state-of-the-art security systems and is under 24/7 surveillance.
Individual clients need to provide only their passport and taxpayer registration number.
Rental costs vary based on the city, box size, and the number of days in the month. Contact us for more information.
To issue a power of attorney for the use of an individual safe deposit box at RADABANK, a notary is not required. Simply provide the manager with the full name, passport details, and taxpayer registration number of your attorney-in-fact. Subsequently, for the attorney-in-fact to access the safe deposit box, they must present the original power of attorney and their original identification document to the manager. It is possible to issue several powers of attorney at once.
Warning: If the identification data of the attorney-in-fact does not match the information provided by the principal, service to the attorney-in-fact will be denied.
- Securities and bonds
- Legal or other significant documents
- Jewelry
- Insurance policies
- Rare postage stamps or coins
- Art pieces
- Spare keys for your apartment or car
- Cash, if you prefer not to deposit it into a bank account
- Any other items or documents of importance to you
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