Перелік відділень, що входять до мережі Power Bank

Mastercard World Elite. Exclusive Privileges in Ukraine and Abroad

Welcome to a world of unlimited possibilities


"Elite" Package
Credit Limit: From 50,000 UAH to 3,000,000 UAH.
Grace Period: Up to 62 days for using credit funds.
No Conversion Fee: For international payments.
Personal Banker: Available 24/7 along with the convenient RB24 mobile app.
Mastercard World Elite

The MWE card caters to the most discerning clients who demand first-class service and comfort at any global location, valuing their time above all.

The "Elite" package offers a comprehensive suite of banking services and an array of additional global services, ensuring you're enveloped in comfort that never wanes.

Included in the Package:
  • 3 World Elite Mastercard PayPass cards in various currencies: hryvnia, dollar, euro
  • 2 additional Mastercard Platinum PayPass cards
  • 2 additional Mastercard Gold PayPass cards
  • A virtual card for secure online transactions in your chosen currency
  • The option to open additional cards for the account holder and family members
Additional Benefits

Concierge Service – Your personal 24/7 assistant ready to help organize travel or leisure activities, address organizational and household queries, remind you of important events, and much more.

To Utilize This Offer:

  • Place a call or send a request via SMS or email;
  • A manager will take your request into processing;
  • After reviewing your request, the manager will contact you to finalize the details.
Access to over 1,000 business lounges worldwide

Gain access to over 1,000 business lounges worldwide with Lounge Key program that offers special terms for visiting airport business lounges globally.

  • Universal Welcome: Enjoy a warm reception in over 1,000 business lounges worldwide, regardless of the airline or ticket you hold;
  • Complimentary Amenities: Relish in free drinks and Wi-Fi access;
  • Free Access: Gain free* entry to Lounge Key with your Mastercard® World Elite card

Free access condition: Make purchases totaling at least UAH 10,000 with your World Elite card from RADABANK at retail outlets and/or online over the last 30+5 banking days. If expenditures fall short or you wish to bring a guest, the visit cost is $35 per person. The card must be enabled for online transactions. The service fee is determined by the payment system and is independent of the bank

Mastercard Airport Services



The service Mastercard Travel Experiences allows you to use a dedicated queue for security checks at over 100 European airports, enjoy up to a 25% discount on your favorite meals or drinks before flying, or book a personal airport transfer from a selection of comfortable vehicles worldwide

Insurance Policy for Travelers Outside Ukraine

This insurance covers treatment for coronavirus disease:

  • COVID-19 testing for the insured individual if there's a suspicion of the disease;
  • Treatment for up to 14 days;
  • Reimbursement for the insured's early return to Ukraine, either with doctor's approval or if the insured could not return on time due to health reasons, as confirmed by a doctor's note. The insurer covers travel expenses by first-class rail, road, sea transport, or economy class airfare.

Medical Expense Insurance includes emergency medical care, outpatient and inpatient treatment, dental care, transportation, and medical evacuation.

The insurance program also covers activities such as active recreation, amateur, professional, extreme sports, and winter sports.

The policy is valid for card transactions worldwide, with an insured sum of 50,000 UAH.

It covers:

  • Unauthorized use of the client's card by third parties upon its loss;
  • Third parties obtaining cash from the bank by copying the client's signature on payment documents;
  • Third parties withdrawing cash from the client's account under the threat of violence, forcing the client to hand over their card and disclose the PIN;
  • Withdrawal of funds from the card account due to the client being deceived or the use of a counterfeit card (phishing, skimming).
Enjoy privileges from our partners both in Ukraine and abroad:
  • 15% Discount at the largest bowling club "Panorama" in the center of Dnipro – guaranteed fun and delicious food!
  • Great Gift and Investment! Up to 10% off on foreign mint coins
  • Premium Club Memberships: Special conditions and discounts on global car rentals with Hertz Gold Plus Rewards and Avis Preferred
  • Exclusive Discounts from partners for purchases made outside and within Ukraine, available to Mastercard® premium cardholders: Platinum, World Black Edition, World Elite (Learn more)
Мобільний застосунок RB24

Оформлюйте картки онлайн, сплачуйте вчасно з регулярними платежами, відкривайте депозити з бонусами до ставки, здійснюйте платежі на ходу, керуйте своїми фінансами просто та надійно з RB24.
Завантажуйте застосунок. Ідентифікуйтесь віддалено. Користуйтеся та оцінюйте!

Loan Terms and Grace Period
Main Loan Parameters
Type/Kind of Loan Credit limit on the card
Purpose For consumer needs
Currency Hryvnia
Term 12 months, with no minimum contract duration required.
Loan amount From 50,000 to 3,000,000 UAH.
Interest rate 0.000001% (grace period of 62 days, after which the rate is 38.0% annually).
Кредитний калькулятор

Виберіть термін кредитування, міс.

Бажана сума кредиту

Консультацiя VIP-Менеджера

Якщо Вас цікавлять будь-які питання, пов'язані з VIP-банкінгом, залиште, будь ласка, Ваші контактні дані, та персональний банкір зв'яжеться з Вами найближчим часом.

Оберіть місто для звʼязку з VIP менеджером:

First name, Second name*
Phone number*
What are you interested in?

Натискаючи кнопку "Відправити запит", я надаю згоду на обробку персональних даних

Купівля Продаж
41.1 41.7
44.55 45.2
10.6 10.8

* Курси валют Головного Банку (Дніпро, вул. В. Мономаха, 5). Курси у відділеннях можуть відрізнятися. Уточнюйте курс валют у Вашому відділені за номером 0 800 500 999.