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Overcoming language barriers: RB24 in English now for foreign clients from RADABANK

26 Березня 2024p.

Meet the update of the RB24 mobile application for foreign clients and partners of the RADABANK, the number of which is constantly growing.

The RADABANK team has developed the English version of the RB24 application for ease servicing of English-speaking users.

The RB24 in English supports all the functions and capabilities of the original Ukrainian version.

Getting started with the English version of RB24 is very easy. Download the app via Google Play or App Store on your device if you hadn't do it early.

If you already have had the Ukrainian version installed, switch to English by following the simple steps:

  • Open the RB24 app
  • Go to the menu
  • Select "Settings"
  • Select "Language in application"
  • Choose "English"

Enjoy the full functionality of the RB24 application in English from the RADABANK and perform all available banking operations anywhere in the world.


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